Friday, October 31, 2014

Forever in my heart

Hello All,

It looks as though Robin, Jennifer and Richard (through his wonderful video) have beautifully updated you on the details of our visit... So, what I would  like to contribute is a "THANK YOU". Thank YOU (that include's the teachers parents) for raising such amazing young women. Each and every girl was welcoming, thoughtful, kind, loving, sincere and strong. You all should be so proud of your daughters. I don't know about you, but I could have never done what they are doing at their age (or frankly now) and do so with the grace, humility and respect they have for each other. It was a true gift for me to be able to spend five days around your girls. I fell in love with each of them. BRAVO to YOU... You have done your jobs incredibly well. I am so glad my Hannah can now call your girl friend. Lastly, after spending only five days with these girls, my heart is feeling a little empty without them... I can only imagine the roller coaster of feelings our girls will go though upon reentry.

With love


  1. Thank you so much for your guys who dedicated your time and resources to travel and visit our girls, they had a lot of fun with you too. Thank for that amazing video, it is fantastic and confirms how happy they are, we can just join your satisfaction with the amazing group of fantastic teachers and the marvelous girls that met in TTS24. They have already become best friends of everyone (as Claudia said), and they will hold the best memories from this life changing and forming experience.
    Thank you guys, and please kept posting news and pictures! As the time goes we miss them even more.
    Have a happy halloween and a fantastic weekend!

  2. Thank you, Danielle! I look forward to meeting you and Hannah sometime in the future.

  3. Thank you Richard for your amazingly beautiful photos... what a gift to us all!

  4. Thank you Richard, really amazing photos, it seems as we traveled with you! Fantastic coverage of all the events and impresive quality. Great job! Thank you for sharing

  5. Thank you Richard, I too feel as though I traveled with you through this images. I can not thank you enough for capturing all the smiles and moments in time! I miss Sydney and seeing her in your photos makes me smile! Thank you again for sharing! Jill
